Friday, 20 January 2017




In this podcast I have said:
1. I have filmed and edited the first sample scene of the lair scene. I think it went quite well. Also, I need audience feedback on this scene.

2. That I am filming the second sample scene for the rape chase scene on the 21st of January at 12:00 (tomorrow).

3. At the start, I wanted Wyatt to be one of the rapists in this rape chase scene but it turns out he can't make it so therefore he won't be one of the rapists in my film opening.

4. That there is an issue for the shoot tomorrow because two people from the year above (year 13) have taken out the GoPro that I really need and want to use for some shots in the rape chase scene. 

5. That I have to film the third scene (party scene) at some point next week because I have a deadline for all the filming to be done for the Monday after next week (30th of January).

6. I need to buy many props for the third scene (party scene) such as vodka bottles, a lemon etc...

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