Wild Child
Nick Moore (2015)
Film Opening Length: 0
Budget: $20mUK/US/World Box Office: £5.1m, $19.7k, $22m
Theatrical Distrinution in
Production Companies: Working Title Films, Relativity Media, Studiocanal
Distributors: Universal Pictures
IMDB, RottenTomatoes (Tomatometer 42%, Audience 62%), BoxOfficeMojo, Wiki
Trailer for 'Wild Child':

The opening shot is an extreme long shot of the sea, there is high key lighting to connote that the film is upbeat, happy and perhaps comedic; also it connotes that it is the dawn of a new day, creating a beautiful, light atmosphere. The first title is shown in white, sans serif font to connote the contemporary, modern, girly, upbeat, comedic feel/genre of the film.
The calm, peaceful, tranquil non diegetic music changes when we are fully zoomed in on the main protagonist in a close up shot, when a realisation hits her and she says "shit", then bratty, girly, rocky non diegetic music starts playing.


This is a long shot of the main protagonist's bedroom with lots of signifiers in the room that connote a stereotypical teenage girly girl. The title font for the film is in sans serif font. The font attracts the target audience of females who like glamour (the silver gems on the word 'wild' connotes this) and the prominent background colour of gold connotes the rich, posh, glamorous side of the film/main female protagonist. The film title font perfectly connotes what the main protagonist's personality and life is like.

This is an 'dirty' over the shoulder shot which shows what the character is looking at. It is a calendar full of events. The main event there is portrayed through an explosion drawing and lots of arrows pointing towards this explosion to connote that this event is completely horrific and the equivalent of an explosion/torpedo to the main protagonist. Her reaction from looking at this connotes that it is that day with the explosion drawing on. Also, the colours (lilacs, purples, pinks, light blues) and fonts of all these decorations reinforce and further connote that this main protagonist is very stereotypically girly.
Order of Titles
1. Universal Pictures Presents
2. In Association With Studiocanal
3. A Working Title Production
4. Director's name then film
Immediately when the film idents finish, non diegetic music/sound starts playing which is peaceful, romantic and tranquil to connote the vibe of the early morning rising as the main protagonist wakes up calmly. This non diegetic sound changes when we are fully zoomed in on the main protagonist in a close up shot, when a realisation hits her and she says "shit", then bratty, girly, rocky non diegetic music starts playing.
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